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Surgeons in Operating Room

National Institutes of Health: NCA-50 Creative Platform

Agency: Publicis Sapient


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the largest division within the NIH. They wanted our help to build a campaign to commemorate the National Cancer Act 1971.


There is low awareness of National Cancer Act of 1971 and NCI's role in leading cancer research at the national level. Also, because cancer is such a complex disease, it is hard to demonstrate progress; death rates have dropped 27% in 25 years and five year prognoses have improved, but many still believe cancer is an epidemic.

Our Solution:

  • Conducted stakeholder interviews with NCI team, along with a deep dive into history of cancer with an aim to understand the science and complex biology behind the disease.

  • Factored in the current cultural landscape of anti-vaccination, post-truth era where trust across institutions and in science has been in steady decline, and the impact of Covid19 crisis.

  • Identified strategic opportunity that considered goal to educate public and inspire new generation of scientists.

  • Shared four different ways-in. After agreeing on one, we developed a creative idea that can highlight both breakthroughs in cancer research and share the accomplishments of patients, scientists and collaborators.


Delivered cohesive overarching creative platform; one versatile enough to tell multiple types of stories and be inclusive of the broader cancer research and advocacy community.

NOTE: campaign assets were developed by NIH's in-house team.

© 2022 by Nikhil Vaish

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