Select Campaigns
Below are examples of big global campaigns for the likes of IBM and Kodak, as well as insights and creative ideas we conceived, created and executed with little to no budget for a startup and nonprofit.

Blue Velocity
We wanted to position IBM as the technology vendor of choice for companies whose business models were based on the web, but NetGen audiences perceived Big Blue as slow, expensive, bureaucratic and lacking credibility in the space.

Make Something
Still carrying huge goodwill, Kodak had however fallen off the radar. Presumed to have been left behind in the old photography world by the new digital revolution.
Kodak needed more people to print and do more with pictures to improve margin & sales.
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CRM Solutions
Every company talked about the ‘customer being king’ but most didn't know how to implement an enterprise-wide CRM solution. Our goal was to differentiate our superior solutions by demonstrating how our technology drove real business results.

Do Selfish (nonprofit)
For India's largest youth volunteering organisation we used an insight backed by science, equating the act of volunteering with 'Doing Selfish'. We activated our campaign using social media and guerilla marketing on college campuses offering #DoSelfish as bragging rights for signing-up to volunteer.

Social App (startup)
A young startup had big ambitions to use artificial intelligence to radically change "social networking" from passively observing the world, to actively experiencing and participating in it, but they lacked a clear audience focus and reason to exist.